Funciones que se adaptan a tu negocio
Si tuviéramos que incluir todas las cosas que puede hacer con este sistema para cada operador, necesitaríamos más espacio, pero aquí hay algunas de las cosas más populares que puedes hacer.

General Summary
SMS Functionality?
Sends Automated Messages?
Messages Customizable by Product?​​​
Can Customers Reply?
Can See Customer Conversation?​
Has 2-Way Messaging?
Has Smart Chatbot?
Sends International SMS?​​
Sends Broadcast SMS?
Keep Scrolling to Discover More!
Información de salud y seguridad

TourOpp GO!
TourOpp pulls information from that booking to send relevant messages to your customer.

Your Reservation System

Websites and offline channels

Your Brand
We assign you a U.S. phone number so that it appears as your brand is the one sending the messages.

More Reviews!

More Bookings!

More Time!
Información de salud y seguridad
Can I change plans after I sign up for one?Yes, you can always cancel or change plans at any point. You will not be tied up to anything.
Can I cancel after I sign up?You can cancel your plan at any time. If you cancel before your plan is over, we will continue providing the service until the time of the plan is over, unless you specifically request to discotinue the service.
Will bookings from my OTAs receive this?Yes! As long as you are connected to the OTA via your reservation system and the OTA provides the customers' telephone number (most do).
Can I customize the messages I will send to my customers?Definitely! You can customize all messages at any time from your Dashboard. The templates we apply to your account and show in this website are only examples of how you can use the system.
Can I customize these messages per tour?Yes! You can customize every message differently per tour if you want to. You can also choose to send more or less messages depending on the tour. All up to you!
What do I need to do configure this? Is it difficult?Very little! We know you're busy and don't want to take more time away from you so, if you want, we'll do most of the work and just ask for your ocassional feedback or help accessing your booking system.
Who will set this up? Will you help me?It's up to you! We know you're busy so if you would rather have us do it, it's not a problem. In any case, this won't be long or hard. We will need your input on a few things to make sure everything's perfectly set up. However, we will be right there with you during the on-boarding process.
What happens after I configure everything?You can sit back and relax and let the magic happen! OR if you are like us, and you like to see the how your business is performing, we will give you access to an extranet where you will find many reports on how customers are responding to this new form of communication.
Is it hard to make changes after the initial configuration?Not at all. It's all in your hands actually as you can make live changes in seconds through our dashboard.
My booking system is not listed. Can you integrate to them?We might already be connected to your reservation system but don't have it listed here. If we haven't, then most likely yes! Integrations are not difficult but it might take some time until we have that ready. We will not charge you anything if that reservation system brings value to other potential customers of TourOpp GO! Contact us to see what we can do here.
Will you provide technical support afterwards?Of course, we will always be here for you! You are covered by a team that is ready to provide answers and solutions.
In Other Words...Give your Ventrata Account

Booking Confirmation Via SMS
Enhance your brand by putting your business name front and center when sending communications, prevent confusion and questions by providing customers with pertinent information right after booking, and expedite communication with SMS instead of email messaging.

Sent through SMS
Automatically sent
Customize the message per product
Customers can opt-in or out
Reminders & Important Information Via SMS
Spend less time confirming pickup locations with an automated SMS that sends your customers the exact location of their booking. This will help to avoid late arrivals or lost travelers and get them excited for their booking with pictures or infographics of what to expect!

Sent through SMS
Automatically sent
Customers can reply with questions
Customize the content of the message depending on the product
Customize when the message is sent depending on the product
Insert Google Maps link for meeting point​
Send PDF’s, pictures, or videos

Sending Waivers Via SMS
Whether you are already working with a waiver generator or if you're using your own, you can use this opportunity to send the link to your customers where they can sign it, disclose your saftey measures and requirements, or even tell them what to bring.

Automatically sent waiver link through SMS
Allow customers to ask questions
Customize the link or message depending on the product
Disclose safety requirements

Cross-Selling & Up-Selling Via SMS
Just like Netflix, you can recommend a night tour to someone who's booked a morning tour or suggest an upgrade for a full-day tour. We even give you the option to customize the text depending on your OTA partner.
Recommend other products or upgrades through SMS​
Customize recommendations depending on what product they've booked
Link back directly to your website​
Add promo codes
Customize the content of the message and when it's sent, depending on the origin

Engage During The Activity Via SMS
The best way to get free marketing is having people tag you on Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook stories or post, so send them your handle. You can also promote your wifi, and ask for tips for your tour guides.

Automatically greet your customers when they come in through SMS
Ask them to tag you on their Instagram stories
Customize how you interact with customers and how they can interact with you
Share your Wi-Fi password
Share how customers can tip their tour guide

Review Generation & Reputation Management Via SMS
Ask your customers to rate your first to get customer feedback. If they rate you positively, you can ask these customers to post a review on platforms like Tripadvisor or Google. On the other hand, prevent unhappy customers from damaging your reputation online by telling them how to reach a human.

Automatically ask customers for a rating from 1-5 via SMS
Customers can reply with an internal review
Send direct link to post review, if positive
Customize where you want your reviews
Send them your phone or email, if they rate negatively

Smart Chatbot SMS Messaging
Our smart chatbot can send automated answers to questions 24/7, depending on what product your customers have booked. Better yet, it our chatbot acts like a natural conversation responding to customers' questions, no matter how they ask.

24/7 automated responses via SMS
Fully customizable answers depending on the product
AI-chatbot emulates natural conversation​

Broadcast Message Via SMS
Send a text to all customers for a specific product and/or date. Whether it be due to bad weather or simply a street closure, they'll need want to know With our broadcast message you can let your customers know ahead of time by sending them a text at the same time.

Send an SMS to customers for a specific product on a specific date
Customer can reply
Fully customize your outgoing message to your specific need​​
Select which customers should receive the SMS or all contacts